
Fleets/ships must equal a minimum of 3,200 Supply Units in size before they can make a jump to another region. Smaller ships/fleets are essentially trapped at their current region. See Supply Units

Movement between regions is always one jump per turn. i.e. The player issues orders for a ship to jump. The next turn it would arrive at it’s destination.

  • Movement between regions can only happen along the dotted lines on the galaxy map.
  • Ships can move the same turn they are built or finish construction. See Timing
  • Players can issue move orders as the first action of the game. It is assumed their starting fleet is already built and ready to move.
  • If a region is under attack, ships can not leave. Attacking ships can also not retreat. Ships engaged in combat stay in combat until the battle is completed, or they are destroyed.

Ships do not encounter each other during jumps.
Ships only encounter each other at regions.
For example; your fleet jumps to an enemy region. The enemy launches a fleet to your region. Both actions happen on the same turn. … the result would be each fleet fighting at their destination, but they would not see each other during the jump.

If a player sends ships to an unoccupied region, that region becomes theirs.

If a player moves all ships out of a region, that region becomes unoccupied and they no longer own it.

A players home world (starting region) will continue be their home world and under their control, even if they no longer have any ships there. If an enemy takes a player’s home world, that player is removed from the game and the home world becomes a normal region under the enemies control.

If a player moves ships into a region occupied by another player, a battle will be initiated. The side that wins takes control of that region. See Battles

Players cannot form alliances. A move into a territory inhabited by another player will always be executed as an attack. … Players can agree to not move towards each other and work together. However, such agreements are between players have no effect on game mechanics.

If multiple players move into a territory owned by another player, they cannot ‘gang-up’ on the defending player. Instead a multi-player battle will be initiated in which all players are aggressive towards each other. See Multi-player Battles

A player can attack a region from multiple locations, thus possibly having a total attack fleet much larger than the 32,000 SU limit. (at most, it’s possible to attack a region from 8 sides) See Attacking from Multiple Regions


A battle may last more than one turn. Players can send ships to an on-going battle to act as reinforcements.

  • Ships still need to meet SU movement requirements to move to the region.
  • Ships will arrive at the battle on the turn after their move command.
  • Reinforcements will be added to the tournament arena as appropriate.


Forced Movement

If a battle completes, and a player has more ships in a region than it can support (above the Region Limit), a post-battle Forced Movement is initiated. See Timing

Excess ships will immediately head to a safe region (one not in conflict) that has SU space to receive the ships. If no safe region is available, the ships will be scrapped. See Attacking from Multiple Regions for more info

* Forced movements will be automatic and handled by the GM. Ideally ships will return to a safe region they were launched from. Forced Movement is an emergency action outside of player orders.