One Fleet to Rule Them All

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Forging the One. The tournament fleet competitions are new, but in testing creating, and trying to figure-out what works, I have some thoughts and observations to share. Essential concepts that I believe will play-out in the future. When you start designing, you’ll probably find that results will be quite random or inconsistent. Some fleets may dominate … Read more…

The Big Shot : Faction 4 Goodness

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Domination. The best range. The most power. The best solar panels. Everyone thinks this faction is overpowered, it’s not so much a question as a statement. Instead of finding ways to survive, this is more a matter of optimizing for ultimate killing power. Let’s take a closer look at beating the game. Basics. The basic … Read more…

Mini Fleet Tournament, for August 31st

You can see the details and submission info here. The whole fleet should be 2000P. Tournament will be in Pool format. Normal playable factions only. Normal in-game blocks only. No multi-faction ships. The fleet can have ships from more than a single faction though. Video for the completed tournament:

Nuclear Fallout : Winning with the Sentinels

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Kaboom! Easiest how-to ever, save your R and unlock Nukes. The end. But seriously, what do you do when everyone just makes a nuke fleet? You want your’s to be better, so here are some tips for optimizing an already good faction. When you start-out, your biggest problem is that everything is fucking expensive. It … Read more…

Swarm Warfare : Be a Red Faction Ninja

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These Guys Are Shit! Yes, they will fall apart with the quickness. Your ships will melt like butter verse even the weakest opposition. Avoid danger like the plague, because you are now the punching bag of the galactic ecoshere. Forget domination, how do you even survive with these things? When you start out avoid conflict. … Read more…

Fleet Battles

  See the finished videos HERE. Deluks tournament announcement with rules and how to submit your files. Reassembly Tournament for August 30, 2015 – Rules and regulations. Category #1F: Fleets between 30,000p and 35,000p No individual ship may be more than 8000p. Category #2F: Fleets between 13,000p and 15000p No individual ship may be more … Read more…