Work Smarter. Not Harder.
If you’ve ever gotten serious about trying to optimize your ships or fleets, you’ll spend TONS of time watching matches to see how they come out. What if you could be using that time to build more ships, get more sleep, or maybe go outside sometime? Get some fresh air, will ya?
Now you can accomplish much more with the time you have. Just let the damn thing run big pool tournaments, then collect the data later. This tutorial will show you how to do that. All you need is Notepad++ and Google Docs. (Macs can use TextWrangler). Download the associated files HERE.
This time I decided to do a video, it should be easier to follow along and allows me to explain more. Just pause the video as you follow the steps. The first half gets you up-and-running. The second half explains all the nit-picky details so you can customize it if you want.
I apologize ahead of time for the crummy audio. This is my first video, and I have no real setup. New experience, growing pains and all that. My computer fan sounds much louder than I expected. :)
9/30/15: MonsPubis setup a nifty online parser for your log files. Check it out here.