Collecting Reassembly Tournament Data from Log Files

tournament data

Work Smarter. Not Harder. If you’ve ever gotten serious about trying to optimize your ships or fleets, you’ll spend TONS of time watching matches to see how they come out. What if you could be using that time to build more ships, get more sleep, or maybe go outside sometime? Get some fresh air, will … Read more…

Reproduction: How Spawning Works

Ohh, Yeah, Just Like That…. Right. If you’ve done the tutorial, you know how to spawn ships with the factory, and you know how to tell a child ship what to spawn. I’m going to continue that with a few more points. Control You can also tell a station what to spawn. Same deal. Hit … Read more…

Make Hostile Plants Not Lag

Friggin Flowers! I made a mod you can load here to reduce the lag from the plants. To do this I replaced the default plants with slightly edited plants. They now have less of the flower bursts, but more needle weapons, thus reducing the number of projectiles on-screen when you piss them off. After  you’ve subscribed to the … Read more…